NAPLES, Fla.- Dozens of cyclists are getting ready to hit the road for day two of an annual event.
The cyclists started in Naples and will pedal to West Palm Beach for the Pan-Florida Challenge for Hungry Kids.
The event’s founder, Ed Mullen, took the same route years ago and saw a lot of people in need. That’s when he came up with the ride.
“While it’s big, it’s not so big that it isn’t solvable so we felt like we could move the needle with this program,” said founder Mullen.
“When I see a cause like this, hungry children in south Florida, I say that’s the way to go out there and support it. Go out there go support it with my own heart, my own sweat, my own tears, you know the work of my own hands,” said Army veteran Brian Mast.
The ride encompasses 160 miles over two days with a goal of providing 250,000 meals to hungry kids
Video – Highlighting the Start of the ride