Golfing is more than a fun sport. Playing golf regularly can keep you happy and healthy. Here’s how:
Golfers live longer than non-golfers
There’s no such thing as “wasting” a day out on the green. In fact, those 18 holes may be adding days to your life! According to a Swedish study, golfers can expect to live an extra 5 years in comparison to non-golfers.
Golfing keeps you healthy
Your heart, lungs, and brain are likely thanking you for the time you spend out on the golf course. That’s because research shows golf can improve your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helps you in recovery from cardiac issues and strokes, and also improves your lung function. In fact, one study showed 18-holes of golf have more positive effects on your lipid and blood glucose levels than going on a 3.5-mile walk!
Golfing improves life satisfaction
According to a study of over 3,000 golfers in England, golfers are pretty happy people! Nearly 80% of golfers said they were satisfied with their lives. They also said the more they play, the better they feel. So if you’re feeling a little down— get out on the Talis Park course and play a round in the sunshine!
Golf can be used as therapy
Therapy isn’t the only way to improve your mental health. Consistently getting out on the golf course could be exactly what you need to boost your mood, improve your focus, and reduce mental health symptoms. You can read more about the 2019 study on using golf as therapy here.
The reasons to play 18 holes a day don’t end there. Golfing in an inclusive community like Talis Park is also a great way to meet new friends, enjoy the Florida sunshine, and better your game. For the residents of Talis Park, the golf course is only ever a few steps out the front door, making staying healthy and happy as easy as can be. Learn more about golfing in Talis Park or becoming a resident of our community here.